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Honorary certificate


Enterprise business license Enterprise business license
Alibaba honorary lecturer Alibaba Japan hundred netrepreneurs certification
Alibaba trade capacity certification Alibaba production capacity of certification
Corporate tax registration certificate Shenzhen security industry association certification
Organization certification Organization certification
Security technology to guard against certification Design, construction and maintenance of certification
Security industry association member units The Red Cross unit of love
Love pennants Guangdong top ten netrepreneurs special mention
The tenth anniversary of alibaba treasure Netrepreneurs's got talent
PengCheng electronic chamber of commerce vice President Shenzhen e-commerce outstanding contribution award
Guangdong electronic chamber of commerce vice President Guizhou poverty reduction units of honor
The outstanding contribution prize in tsinghua university Univision electronic excellent partner
Alibaba member Chen for five years  Alibaba integrity pioneer
The Red Cross member enterprise in guangdong Alibaba shenzhen ten outstanding electronic retailing
JVE LOGO trademark registration certificate Alibaba honorary lecturer
Ming nan hui tai trade mark registration certificate Ming nan hui tai trade mark registration certificate
Antivirus certification - Chinese Antivirus certification - English
CE certification A new micro FCC certification
The CE certification of monitoring CE miniature certification
The FCC certification of monitoring The FCC miniature certification
Alibaba trade capacity certification China ROHS certification
 Alibaba production capacity of certification  Alibaba production capacity of certification